Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Darn... I'm it.

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Pure-Bred American
2. Florida/Indiana
Two Things That Scare You
1. Howard Dean
2. Diving deep underwater (Exactly why I want to be a Navy Diver)
Two fears you overcame
1. Running through this forest near my house at night
2. Swimming across an alligator-infested lake in the middle of the night, with all my clothes on.
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
2. PT
Two things you are Wearing Right Now
1. blue polo
2. SHOES! surprise.
Two things you wore too much this year
1. jungle boots
2. shoes in general
This year's Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. Johnny Cash
2. Waylon Jennings
Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. talking, talking, talking
2. marriage
Two of your favorite Movies of the Year
1. Walk the Line
2. Band of Brothers (yeah so what if its a mini-series)
Best movies of all time
1. Happiest Millionaire
2. We Were Soldiers
Two things You hate
1. disrespectful young people
2. abortion
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. hiking 14'ers in the Colorado Rockies.
2. laying out on the beach, that's a hobby right?
Two things you learned this year
1. That I've always wanted to join the Navy
2. God is faithful all the time.
Two Accomplishments You are Proud of
1. Climbing the 2nd highest mountain in the mainland United States.. Mt. Elbert 14,433 ft.
2. Getting accepted to the Citadel and getting it all paid for by the US NAVY.
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. To be retired... as in be around 60-70. But I'll settle for just getting respected by older folks.
2. To see my family every day... My sisters in Mexico, my brother who's deployed, my sister in Chattanooga.
Two place you went this year.
1. Road trip to Colorado and California
2. Road trip from Pittsburgh, PA to Vermont.
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Grand Teton Ntl. Park, Wyoming or really anywhere out west
2. New Zealand
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Retire from the Navy as an Admiral
2. Get married and raise a big family.
Two Ways that you are a Stereotypical Example of your Gender
1. I hate fags, especially fags who try to erase the masculinity of my gender, like being a DARN COWBOY. THAT'S RIGHT COWBOYS ARE STRAIGHT MASCULINE MEN.
2. I live and breathe for football.
Two things that make you stand out.
1. haha... my cheerfulness and constant state of happiness and my trademark greeting: "HOWDY!"
2. my eagerness to work hard
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. I sometimes find it easier for myself to have conversations of substance with girls than with guys. Alot of guys my age are just plain stupid.
2. I sometimes only brush my teeth once a day, lol.
Two Goals for the New Year
1. Become a stronger Christian than ever before
2. Become incredibly physically fit in every way, shape, and form.



At 3:05 PM, Blogger beachgirl said...

Honey- a lot of guys at MY age are stupid.. I think it's the gender in general.. present company excluded of course...

At 4:17 PM, Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

There are 900 things I want to comment about after reading that . . but I'll settle for this:

We Were Soldiers - AMAZING book, OUTSTANDING movie and I PRAY every night for a family like Hal Moore's.

PS - my daughter will SO be the little girl not praying with the rest of the family because she's hard headed . . because that was SO me at her age.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Modern Day Stonewall said...

Hey! I'm not dissing my gender now, I'm 100% proud to be a guy and wouldn't ever want to be otherwise, but guys do tend to be "stupider" than women, most of the time. Or is it just that women can hide it better? hmmm.

Oh yeah, great movie, GREAT soundtrack.. and I'm sure great book, I bought the book and have it, but havent read it, YET. lol, glad you didn't go through all 900.


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