Friday, January 06, 2006

"Here's to not worrying about what is yet to come."

I don't want to leave home. But I'm sick of high school, I'm ready to mooove one. I'm excited and scared at the same time about what lies ahead. It's gonna be tough at the Citadel, but I think - emphasis on think - I'll be able to face and conquer all the challenges that await me. I think the biggest thing will be staying strong in my faith and not letting the pressures of the world overtake me, forcing me to despair and give in.

Lately, here at safe, peaceful, worry-free home, I've been struggling with just keeping strong in my relationship with God. Each day I'm confronted with temptations, sometimes I give on, sometimes I don't... but I'm lacking consistency. I know it will always be a constant struggle, but I've got to keep striving for perfection. While it is not possible on this earth, perfection should always be my goal. And so, I need to grow in my faith before the real struggles began, so that when they confront me, I'll be armed and ready.

I'm sure they'll be other struggles at the Citadel and life away from home... but if I am strong in my relationship with God, I know that they will all pass like nothing.

Other than the questions and fears I have... I am extremely excited about going. Yeah it's gonna be tough, its gonna be hell at times, but I think I'll enjoy those spirit runs and the endless PT, and I'll find something good out of the constant annoyance of senior cadets drilling me on Knob Knowledge, I'll begin to cope and get a routine down for my studies... it'll all be A-Ok. And just think, my trips to home during Thanksgiving and Christmas and Spring Break will be ALL the more sweeter. Ah, I can just feel it now... the drive home talking to my parents about getting treated like crap (of course then I'm sure I'll be able to laugh about it).. then the pulling into the driveway, and seeing everyone again, all my friends and family. Sleeping in my bed, with my fan, lol. Haha, I wonder how I really will act when I come home from college after a totally new experience. Heh, guess we'll have to find out... but until then.... "Here's to "Not worrying about what is yet to come."


Oh boy, in five hours I get to wake up and wash cars in 35 degree weather. But I guess I can't complain, there's soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan getting cut up by shrapnel and shot at everyday... so compared to that, tomorrow will be an enjoyable day of doing my duty.

"When the author walks on the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right: but what is the good of saying you are on His side then, when you see the whole natural universe melting away like a dream and something else--something it never entered your head to concieve--comes crashing in; something so beautiful to some of us and so terrible to others that none of us will have any choice left? For this time it will be God without disguise; something so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature. It will be too late then to choose your side." --CS Lewis in "Mere Christianity"


At 10:39 AM, Blogger beachgirl said...

Don't rush adulthood.. hang on to your youth.. When you go away to college- maintain your faith, find a church as soon as possible if you can.. not sure if knobs can leave campus...hmmm...

That was part of my mistake when I went to college.. I strayed from my church and faith..I wasn't a heinous person but there are a few moments I would like to forget. But chalk it up to "normal" college behavior...

I think I am going to post some helpful hints about Charleston on my site so when you get time.. take a look...

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Modern Day Stonewall said...

Well I think that's a struggle everyone goes through at college. btw, where did you go? major? oh BTW.. have you really testified before house and senate committees? And met 5 Tennessee Governors?? That's amazing.. what do you do for a job? I absolutely LOVE politics.. especially campaigning (I got to shake Pres. Bush's hand! yeehaw). I spent four months of last year racking up around 500 hours of volunteer work. I met lots of great people and learned alot of things. In fact, it really inspired me to pursue a political career someday after the military.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger beachgirl said...

I graduated from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, I majored in Political Science/PreLaw. I should have gone on to law school but was so tired of school by that point that I just went on to my career. I have testified before Tennessee House and Senate Committees, I used to be a lobbyist for a branch of the state medicaid program called TennCare. It was great for a while and it's what I went to school to do (also why I did my internship in the Governor's office my Junior Year). But after a few years my moral compass got all out of whack and I had to step down.. It was actually a day I was supposed to lobby a rather important piece of legislation and I was trying to decide which skirt and blouse showed the most skin... Yeah, very low moment in my career. I think I put on pants and a turtleneck and went to work...
I have met 5 Governors, like I said, it's nothing to brag about but I was so grateful for the opportunity...
I still work for TennCare, in the legal area now.. I am the communications liaison for the office of General Counsel. Nothing gets out of the legal department without me seeing it and presenting to our general counsel for approval first..

Feel free to email me anytime.. I have an email link on my profile page.. You seem like a really good kid and I really think you have an extremely bright future ahead of you...


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