Is life worth living?

[Picture: Edell Shepherd drops the potential game-winner]
Well I had an ok time washing cars with our Sea Cadet Unit. It wasn't all that cold... even though I was in shorts and a t-shirt for the majority of the day. We had an awesome ex-marine stop by and talk for awhile... man I tell ya, he was hardcore. But when it came to washing... it was at times, chaotic. There was little or no coordination during most of the day. I was amazed at how people think they can just get by without doing a complete, efficient and honest job. What ever happened to integrity? Most of the guys (and our only-gal) are great cadets and do their jobs with integrity and enthusiasm, but there are a few, I have witnessed, that just think they can half-ass their way through everything, taking and snatching every opportunity to cut a corner, or refusing to admit error or take correction (I'm not just talking about the car wash now). I guess the best way to change that is to lead by example, I might just be a Seaman-Apprentice, but being the oldest one in the unit I feel like I can have some sort of positive influence on these guys. And so tomorrow, that's what my mission is, to try to exercise some "leadership skills," oh boy!
When we got back to the AL (American Legion), we had a great, great time. Through some subtle hints (haha through me), I go our PT Midshipmen to run us through some drills and runs. We did some indian runs, some group pushups... wow those were fun and uh, well interesting. Ah what else, lots of flutter kicks, knockout drills, more pushups. Hopefully we'll do more PT tomorrow... much to the dismay of my fellow ... at least most of them. There's really only one or two other guys who take pleasure in PT cadets, or at least can hangle it. Again, same thing here, people gripe and complain about doing a few pushups. And mind you, this is a high school organization. I'm talking doing 20 pushups is difficult to some of these guys. PATHETIC! And we are one of the best units in the country! I wish so badly that I would have joined this unit earlier and could have been senior in rank to everyone and lead PT. I would make these guys beg... beg like a dog... for mercy. "No, no sir, not another 5 miles." Ok, that's true, 5 miles is too short, make it 10! lol... one day maybe. Although I gotta be careful how much I love PT. I just recently watched the "Band of Brothers" series, and I most certainly do not want to turn into a Captain Sobel, now Captain Winters, he was a good leader.. there's a role model.
Hmm, a friend just called and said they have a fire going and hot dogs and marshmellows. Ah I'm tired though, I want to collapse on my bed. Hmm, what to do... what to do. We'll see, I'll do whatever I sporadicly and spontaneously decide to do at whatever time tonight. AH, I've written too much, this blog thing is really taking a hold of me.. I should go read more.
... ok bed wins... goodnight.
You should have gone out with your friends!! You can sleep when you're dead!! ;)
Hey- that's what Chris Sims gets!! I can't stand that kid! Ever since he flaked on his committment to Tennessee... I have no respect for that kid, his daddy should have taught him better... The Bucs won't succeed with him as your "leader" , he is not and never will be as good as Boomer..
Sounds like you are fitting in well. Keep up the good work-try not to let that enthusiasm get too beat down.
Good comments btw.
yeah, i had my reservations about chris simms too, but he's turned into a great team player who I think, handles the game extremely well for a third year guy. And as for the whole Tennessee thing... sorry but I abhor Tennessee with a passion, this is a hardcore Florida Gator fan here. hold on, wait, did, did ya'll make a bowl game this year? lol.. ok sorry, i couldn't resist, that's what rivalries are aaall about, right?
i know i know, i should have went (to the fire) but how sweet the sleep was.
Thanks CS! I've greatly enjoyed reading your blog, I'm glad I found it... it keeps the War in Iraq alot more closer and real to an average-American life (like my own i guess).. i think more Amerians need to read your blog, and other military blogs from soldiers in Iraq, so that they don't ever forget what sacrifices our soldiers are making every day to keep the freedoms we take for granted here in the US. Thanks again!
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