A David Heart
O Lord,
Though I am weak--You are strong. I don't want to come to you, I don't want to humble myself, I don't want to keep fighting... I want to give up far too often. Yet you love me still. You hold on so passionately--why? Why? Why do you love me? There is a deep yearning in my soul for you--but I keep running away from you. You say that a broken and contrite heart you will not despise.
broken: ruptured; torn; fractured; not functioning properly; out of working order.
contrite: caused by or showing sincere remorse; filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement; penitent
I am always not functioning properly, I'm out of working order--indeed, I am torn. I definitely feel guilt, and believe that I have sincere remorse--yet how long?! How long will I continually have "sincere remorse" yet turn back to my vomit?
Is this what a "David Heart" is?
John Piper said: "What makes a person a Christian is not that he doesn’t get discouraged, and it’s not that he doesn’t sin and feel miserable about it. What makes a person a Christian is the connection that he has with Jesus Christ that shapes how he thinks and feels about his discouragement and his sin and guilt."
Romans 3:25-26: Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as k a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over n former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Jesus, once for all, by his life and death, purchased our forgiveness and provided our righteousness. We can add nothing to the purchase or the provision. We share in the forgiveness and the righteousness by faith alone. But in view of the holiness of God and the evil of sin, it is fitting that we appropriate and apply what he bought for us by prayer and confession every day. --John Piper
.....it is fitting that we appropriate and apply what he bought for us by prayer and confession every day. Amen.
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