Monday, July 24, 2006


Life has been bipolar lately. Mostly good, but a little weird at times. I've kinda felt a little bit of regret for things that I haven't done here at home that I would have liked to. I know I still have 3 weeks before school starts, but I just kinda wish I had more time still, lol. But I guess I'll always be wishing that, time never stays around long enough for our likings. That will be pretty amazing when I'm in heaven, and there will be no such thing as time.. no bothers, no schedules, no deadlines. I'll be in eternity, WOW. lol that just blows my mind. To be outside of time, outside of constraints... living in perfect harmony, perfect.. everything. Amazing thought.

There's so much more than the petty things this life offers. Just think about the futility of everything we encounter each day. How often do we, as the old saying goes.. 'make a mountain out of a molehill." While what I'm saying is true.. this life is also very important. What we do in this life, the life we live, determines our true life, our eternal life. If we choose to live our life, as a life for the world, then the world will be the ultimate fulfillment of that life. From dust we have come, and to dust we shall return. We will get exactly what we put our trust in, the lusts, the desires, vanity, wealth of the world will be everything we receive. What is the joy in that? Honestly, when we put these things under the microscope, so to speak, of what worth have these? If we put our faith and trust and desires in these things, the things of the earth, we will receive justice. The Justice of God. We are not deserving of this thing called heaven, of this relationship with God, of this life at all. And YET, we are given this life, this chance, this opportunity, to either give our lives wholly to Him, follow his statutes, commune and love Him, or to put our trusts in the earthly pleasures and desires that are always vying for our attention. Nothing in life comes easy, and in most situations, the things that are the hardest, are usually the things that are the best, the truly "good" things in life. The genuine goodness.

And so, if we reject God's gift of eternal life, and communion with Him, then we shall sadly suffer our just lot. The lot of eternal separation from God. From everything good and right. Oh, if only everyone could see! If only the world would turn from their search and love of things of this earth. And trust in the One true God, the One who has given His Son, on our behalf, that we might have eternal life with Him. Ah sweet mercy, thank you Father for your grace. I am an undeserving sinner, deserving of eternal life in Hell. Yes, that is where I belong. But thanks be to God, who has given me life.. not anything that I have done, but everything that He has done. Praise God!


At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen brother.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger beachgirl said...

Amen sweet boy! Praise be to God for you...

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