Saturday, June 10, 2006

Thoughts and such.

Trusting God is hard to do. I always want to do it on my own, but I always fail. It's hard to just really, honestly, truly rely wholly on Him, and not be tempted to think that it's something that WE MUST DO. Jesus has paid the price, He's ran the race, finished the fight. We must give Him all the glory; constantly lifted our praises up to Him. Lol, I hate it when I get into God-talk. Alot of times we just need to put it plain and simple. In all "good deeds", in every encouragement, in every praise.. may God be in the center of it. He's gotta be first in everything we do.. not just thrown in there as an afterthought.

So Al-Zarqawi is dead. Justice has been served... we finally got him. It sounds like our military guys really worked hard for this one. It makes me proud and honored to know that I'll be serving with them soon... out there fighting for what's right, and doing my duty for this country that I love. Yeah, we're not perfect... in fact we are far from it. But it's my home, it's my birthplace, and that makes all the difference in the world. But I can tell you this.. Freedom has a steep price to be paid for it, but once we have it, we have a responsibility to keep it as well. And by that I mean, we cannot grow complacent and arrogant to the point that our freedoms and our "rights" to do whatever we please - is the most important thing to us. Freedom isn't going to make you sleep better at night. That still, small feeling of discomfort, of not knowing where you're going isn't going to go away. Because if your thinking being "Free" is going to do that for you, you're wrong. It'll lead you down the same road to despair every time. That yearning for true happiness in your soul has gotta be fulfilled. That fulfillment is Christ. People think that Christianity is only a set of rules and regulations, and takes all "the fun out of life." But in reality, you can't be any freer than when you ARE a Christian. It sets you free from the yearning and desire in your soul, that keeps telling you that there's something more out there. That something more is God, is the SUPER-Natural Being of Jesus Christ. He is not of this world... but He is the answer to all our questions. He is the fulfillment of all our true desires. He is the comforter of the weary souls that seem lost in this world of so many false-fulfillments and promises. He is the promise that we stand on. He will return and redeem those who He has called to be His own. And live forever with the Creator of the Universe.


At 4:47 PM, Blogger beachgirl said...

Very well written sweet boy... I always like reading about your perspective on things.

Take care!

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