Back when men were men and the women loved it.

That's right, you read the title. Back in the good 'ole days, men were men and the women loved it. Nowadays you got all these metros and homos and transexuals and faggots that you can't hardly tell who's a girl and who's a guy. Men: BE MEN. Women: BE WOMEN. The men in this country need to start taking more responsibility. We get fed through a feeding tube every day of our's about time we clip the chord and start being men. We should hold the values of commitment, honor, duty, loyalty, integrity, and courage in the highest-esteem. These should be our goal. Commitment in whatever we do, remain honorable in all aspects of life, dutiful to your God and Country and Family, loyal to your wives, children, and heritage, enact integrity in all aspects of life, whether working or playing, and finally have courage in your heart to meet any challenge head on and conquer it with everything you got. I'm sick of this fag-generation. We're just killing ourselves... becoming more and more prideful. Our country has reached the point where we no longer give credit to God for the blessings that this country has received... instead we look at ourselves, we say... ah HA! I have done it! I have created this prosperity. Oh how little they know. How shocked they will be when they are proven wrong.
I have now completed the SOCFA: Special Operations Challenge Fitness Assessment. In 2 minutes, I did 68 pushups and 84 situps. I did 9 dead-hang pullups. Then I ran a 9:10 min. mile and a half. There were well over a hundred guys participating in the test, I scored the fastest run time.. and was in the upper-quarter with the rest of my scores.
I met some awesome Navy SEALS today. Rudy from Survivor, the ex-Navy SEAL was there today... I got my picture taken with him and was able to talk to him for awhile. I cannot believe that guy was in the enlisted Navy for 45 YEARS! FORTY-FIVE. Wow, that's a helluva long time. This other old SEAL, "Patches", was there also... this guy was thee most hardcore, rough-edged SEAL you could possibly imagine. He was awesome. He's the guy that was talking about how men are a bunch of faggots today..and that's where I got my quote... when men were men and the women loved it. Anyway, he was a really neat guy. We were tested today at the US NAVY SEAL Museum in Ft. Pierce, and the director of the Museum was a Citadel grad (Class of '77) and a 26 year veteran of the SEALS. It was alot of fun to talk to him. I also met a few other guys who went to the Citadel and one who attended Norwich Univ.
ninest123 16.01
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